Access for all
The Austrian Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act established on January 1st 2006 ensures equal opportunities for people with and without disabilities. Under the terms of this piece of legislation, all goods, services and information intended for public use must be accessible on a barrier-free basis. For more information on the rules applying to the principle of access for all, please make use of the following links (in alphabetical order):
- BIZEPS, Bundesverfassungsgesetz Artikel 7 (Federal Constitutional Law, in German)
- Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities Act) (in German)
- Digital Austria (in German)
- EU directive
- NAP – National Action Plan on Disability 2012-2020 (in German)
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Web Accessibility Initative